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First Date Strategy: Chix Flix, Snack Mix, and Martinis Reveal His Character

by Joan E Thurman

2019-01-30 It's the first time you've invited him up to your place for an evening alone together, just you and him. Tonight you'll get a good long look at the real man. Is he secure enough in his manhood to let go of the NFL for a while, and participate in the civilized things you treasure?

Your first evening alone as a couple is very important. You've known him for 
months. He's rich and good looking, so he has a good start on winning your hand for the life-long legal contract otherwise known as the first marriage.

My choice to serve him casual vegetarian munchies, sweet, powerful drinks, and a Meg Ryan film is actually a compatibility test, in disguise. I will be watching carefully how he struggles to project a softer side--if even he has one--and I can tell with just a glimpse how awful or enjoyable it is for him.

Some otherwise eligible men make miserable excuses and leave only five minutes into the film. Others stick out the evening and enjoy it with me. I give the latter my preference.  

The majority are unaware they are being tested, and you never need tell. Never give away secrets I share with you--at least not to a man. In war they call that "collaborating with the enemy" and shoot you for it. And let's be clear about one thing, sisters.  This is war. Tonight, you are Mata Hari, and here is your mission.

The ingredients and instructions for that first evening alone together (to be spent only on a quality specimen whom you have known for at least six months):

  • One Chick Flick (this link offers a selection to consider) 
  • Martinis a la Russe 
  • Joan E's Original Snack Mix

Martinis a la Russe

A la Russe means "in the style of the Russians"--and these martinis have the freshening consistency of winter's last day: icy cold, thick, and very very cool.

  • 2 cups Grey Goose Vodka (100 proof if you can find it)
  • 1 cup filtered water
  • 1/2 cup Boodle's Creme d'Menthe
To Prepare: 
Stir up the ingredients in a martini shaker, pitcher, or other suitable vessel and place it in the freezer for a minimum of 3 hours--all night is the easiest way to go. Pour from the chilled container into martini glasses and garnish with fruit immediately before drinking.

Joan E's Original Snack Mix

Long before the junk snack mixes found in every party store, there was only one way to get this uniquely munchable mix of flavors and textures. Here is the recipe that showed the gluttonous side of many decent men, yet in my family, only two showed any restraint--my grandfather and my own dear father.
As the prophet Joel saith, many are called, but few refrain from gluttony 
So be sure your offering is loaded with flavor, purest ingredients, and served only to men who have been chosen.


  • 1 Stick of Butter or Margarine
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons Seasoned Salt
  • 5 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce
  • 8 cups of mixed whole grain cereals (Mmini-wheats, Chex, etc.--no Cap'n Crunch or Count Chocula)
  • 1 cup of salted, mixed nuts

    To Prepare

  • Place the butter, seasoned salt, and Worcestershire sauce in a baking pan. Melt and mix them in an over set at 250 degrees. Add the cereal and nuts, mix them up with the melted butter, etc., and bake for one hour, mixing every 15 minute.
  • To serve, place the mix in a porcelain bowl on a wooden tray.  Set two empty martini glasses and the whole shaker of Martinis into an ice bucket. Place a half-dozen clean linen napkins in easy reach. Set the whole production in front of him while you return to the kitchen to prepare bowls of the snack mix.  Make sure it's your maid's night off, or this part will seem silly.
  • The minutes he waits alone for your return will give him the proper interval to admire your tasteful presentation before you return with the mix. Set down his bowl where he can reach it, lingering at just the right angle to offer a good view of your of cleavage.
  • Congratulations. You are free to enjoy the rest of the evening and make mental notes.  Should the evening be a real success, you may allow him the only good night kiss appropriate to a woman such as yourself.