Me llamo Joan E. No soy una puta. Los hombres son los putos.
By Joan E Thurman
A truth for sisters, mothers. aunts, nieces, daughters and women and girls everywhere
My name is Joan E Thurman. I had a typical American girlhood. I made a lot of mistakes. My later, more successful experiences in the kitchen--and also, wrestling in the backseats of cars--may help you avoid bad choices.
I love food, I love music, but I don't worship men anymore--at least not the way I used to, in my late teens and early twenties. I'm not sure exactly when I discovered that 99% of men have only one thing on their mind: master/slave s-e-x--not loyalty and commitment. So now, I too have just one thing on my mind about them--how to enslave them for whatever they can give me. When I'm done with them, I have no trouble dispensing with them, like I would a soggy handkerchief--just as they used to do with me. Still, they remain a necessary evil for one such as me. I need a very wealthy husband.
When I plan the menu for a meal with a potential life partner, my recipes include more than just food and drink--lots more, but don't get the wrong idea. I may prepare an expensive piece of animal flesh for my special guy, but that prime piece is not going to be me. He's the piece of meat as far as I'm concerned, and I'm basically a vegetarian.
Of course, eventually they expect intimate contact. If he's really, really lucky--1 in 20 men--I'll let him perform for me with his mouth but that it is it! I detest mouth to mouth contact, and train him quickly to keep his mouth south of my pantie line; and I will not contaminate myself by touching him. He'll have to take care of himself. He can kiss between my legs, and that seems to satisfy them. It gives him a feeling of conquest, although he is in fact the captive.

The funny thing about the male animal is that the worse you treat them, the more respectfully they will treat you. Crazy, huh? But it's true.
1. Be selective about the sort of man you acknowledge as your admirer. If I hear about any of my Woman's Supremacists whoring around with no account creeps--just because she's feeling lonely, or somehow inadequate, from comparing herself to the air-brushed Barbie-doll women--I'm going to find your dorm room and lock you in on the weekends! Value what you have, Sister, because once a man gets his way, he loses interest. Don't let me hear about you "hooking up" with someone the night you meet him. It's a losing proposition, you're a tramp, and out of the movement.

If you absolutely need to fulfill your physical urges, do it yourself. But before you run the risk of an STD, pregnancy--or being labeled a 'skank' or a 'slut', by the same guy who was so charming before you gave it up to him--think! If you want the romantic treatment over the long term, make them work for it. Okay! Enough lecturing. You needn't go to sleazy stores to get sex toys anymore. Just walk up to the jewelry counter of any fine departments store, and ask the clerk where the lady's "private items" are displayed.
Every moment of your life is special and valuable, so each of my recipes is special, too. Every one of them has been tried, tasted, tested, and proven itself right for getting a girl what she wants, when she wants it--whether it's his first visit to your place for an evening alone, or the holiday dessert you prepare for his whole family.

I am not much of a flesh eater, but in this barbaric world, I'll cater to a rich man's caveman tastes until I can enlighten them. Woman's Supremacy Now! has worked over and over again. Its recipes and strategies are not hard to prepare, and they will Rock His World!--and enrich yours too, as with each meal eaten, he learns to obey more quickly and generously. Imagine how your awe-struck man can express his gratitude! A high-grade diamond at the absolute minimum. But early in the game, we train him to wash the dishes, pick up the house, and do your laundry.
Let's get this Tomcat-skinning party started! These men have got a lot of dues to pay, so let's start collecting. --JET

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